Summary: RogerThat! is a two player cooperative action-adventure VR game with stealth element. In this game, players will play as two agents, Raven and Jackal who take a black operation. Players need to work together to figure out the best way to infiltrate a high building.
The role two players in game play is different.
Player A (Jackal): dodging, hiding, finding things, destroy things
Player B (Raven): watching security cam and tag enemies, guiding player A to get to certain places
There are two levels in total. The first level will be presented below with full documentation. The second level is still under development.
Key feature: Action-adventure + Cooperative experience + Asymmetrical gameplay
*Full game design document link: click me
Role(6 people team):
Producer; Game / Level design; System design and implementation for AI; Character / Level art.
Design Commentary Video
Design draft for the first level
Blockmesh made for the first level
From Blockmesh to test-render
Test render and screenshots
Most of the props in scene is from Asset store. I only created some props, decals myself. And I did the light scheme, color scheme design. Because the project is a VR project, I tried my best to minimize the use of realtime light. Most lights in the scene are static.
Sneakpeeks of the second level we are trying to develop now. This level still adopts asymmetrical game design.
Character Design
I am inspired by Spider-man: into spiderverse and Far Cry: New Dawn and created these character/ prop models. The model is made in 3D Max and textured in Substance Painter.
Jackal Character Sheet
Raven Character Sheet
Security Character Sheet
Jackal's weapon
Interface Design
Main interface + Character choosing interface design variation. *
(The lower one is the interface after both player finish selecting characters.)
In-game phone interface
Jackal has a phone bonded in her left wrist like a Pip-boy in Fallout 4. She can view her task and receive calls from
Poster I made for our game.