Time: 08/2019 - ongoing
Type: 2D side scroller puzzle-platformer game (collaborative project with Sepid Ebrahimi)
Role: game deisgner; level designer; artist
Summary: In this game, the main character Tiny is a water drop. Tiny will grow larger when he passes area that is raining, or humid, and will shrink when he passes any cracked ground or other environment hazard.
The change of size will also influence Tiny's jump height and moving speed. The bigger Tiny is, the lower he can jump, the slower he can move, and more environment hazard he can withstand.
Sometimes player need to deliberately shrink Tiny so he could jump to higher ground or for other puzzle solving. There will also be trees and other objects in scene that prevent Tiny from shrinking / growing.
When Tiny becomes too small, he will disappear and die.
Tech Demo
Me and Sepid had made a tech demo in Unreal showcasing how the shrink and expand works in game. As it is shown in this video. Tiny jumps higher and moves slower when he is bigger.
Level Design
I designed the first level in Excel and will soon build it in Unity 3D with Sepid. I circled some puzzles I designed and did an analysis below.

I want to adopt a clean and neat artstyle. Below are some assets and animation I created for this project.



Tiny's idle, jump and move animation

Tree: stop shrinking / expending

Cracked ground: continuously shrink Tiny

Platforms in game