Granted special award in Microsoft ID@XBOX Chinese Student Game Design chanllenge
Project name: Ymbroglio Alpha
Time: 01/25/2018 – 04/20/2018
Type: video game design (collaborative project)
Role: level artist, concept artist, UI designer,
Summary: Ymbroglio is a science-fiction side-scrolling 2D puzzle-platform game in which player or players can control both a male astronaut (Captain L.) and a drone, interchangeably or simultaneously.The drone could only be manipulated when it is within the ray of light from Captain L's power generator, so player need to use the ray of light effectively in order to move the drone to certain places.
Story: The story of Ymbroglio takes place after Captain L. received his repair mission on a long damaged space station. He need to access the control room in order to access data stored in the main console.To do so, he will need to search the space station, unlock doors and examine chambers with the help from his drone.
I worked as level artist for the second level. I am responsible for working on light schme and color scheme.
I also worked as concept designer for this project. I designed UI, level concept, and managed the art style of this game.
I also did a bit modeling for this project, using Vitaly Bulgarov 's kitbash asset.